How does ordering work?

Orders are due Wednesdays by noon, for the following Monday delivery. Orders placed on Thursday will be applied to the following menu schedule.

What are pickup hours?

Orders are available for pickup every Sunday: 11:00am - 1:00pm, and Monday: 10:00am - Noon.

Where do I pick up my meals?

Pickup your orders at Renata: 626 SE Main Portland, OR 97214

When will my meal be delivered?

Meals are delivered every Monday between 9:00am and 1:00pm.

Can I make customizations to my menu?

All meals can be made vegetarian, vegan, gluten free & dairy free.

Where do I find the meal nutrition and reheating information?

You can find all meal nutrition details and reheating instructions under the Weekly Meal Facts page, under the food tab.

How much notice do I need to give to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. But please note that you must cancel before noon on Wednesday to not be charged for and receive the meals for the following week.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Login to your account, click on the Account button in the top right corner, click on Subscriptions, select your subscription, and click the red ‘cancel subscription’ button at the bottom.

How do I change my subscription delivery method?

Did you subscribe to the weekly meals but need to change your subscription from pickup to delivery or visa versa? Unfortunately you cannot change that in your account, and you will need to cancel your subscription completely, and re-sign up with the desired delivery or pickup method. Please contact us to let us know, and ensure there is no double payments. If it’s a one-off, then contact us to sort out the change for that week.

How can I recycle my containers?

We kindly request that you participate in our recycling program and leave your clean containers in your bag on your doorstep on delivery day, or bring them with you when you pick up. Containers will be sanitized and reused to minimize waste!

What is the bag charge?

There is a one time $10 bag fee charged after you place your first order.  This fee is non-refundable.

On each delivery or pickup day, just place your empty cooler bag out for us and we will swap it out with one full of meals!

After your final delivery you are able to keep your cooler bag.

If you forget to leave your empty cooler bag out for us please leave TWO out the following delivery. However, if you acquire more than two cooler bags, we will invoice an additional fee of $5 for each additional cooler bag you acquire. 

What do I do if I’m traveling and do not need the meals for the week?

If you have a week that you don't need meals please simply cancel your subscription and restart for when you want them again. Please note that you must cancel before noon on Wednesday to not be charged for and receive the meals for the following week. You also must start your subscription by noon on Wednesday to receive the meals the following Monday.

Do you have a menu key?

(GF) Gluten Free

(ND) No Dairy

(V) Vegan

(FR) Ok to Freeze