Important summer break announcement!

Here comes the summer! It is the time when everyone goes traveling and camping and we let go of our routine a little. We are going to take advantage of it and while you play in the sun, we’ll be taking a pause from cooking and putting all our energy into our new and improved service, including a new website and ordering system! Thank you for all your support! We can't wait to feed you again in September!


Our menu.

Auto-pilot your meals and start feeling in control of your nutrition!

The 3 meal option consists of the *starred menu items, and the 5 meal option includes all meals listed. If you select 6 meals you’ll receive two sets of the starred items. When you select the 10 meal option you’ll receive two sets of each item on our menu.

Our meals can be gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan or vegetarian. We use organic produce and antibiotic-free proteins whenever possible.

Previous menus.